Table of Contents


Here are some personal definitions to ensure we’re on the same page:

Churn/Churn rateThe rate at which customers/employees leave.
Customer (Cx)Distinguishable from a prospect/lead, a customer is someone who has already purchased your solution.
E-commerceBuying/selling goods and/or services online.
FreemiumFree with basic features, paid upgrade to unlock premium features.
FunnelSimilar to a physical funnel, the customer’s journey or your process is often depicted as a sales or marketing funnel. More individuals enter at the top (leads), but fewer proceed to the next stage, and even fewer make a final purchase.
Lead MagnetAn incentive provided in exchange for contact information from a prospect.
PivotAny change (both big or small) you decide to make with your business. E.g. pursuing a different target customer, adjusting your offerings, or even tweaking pricing.
Prospect/LeadSomeone who is either interested, or you’ve identified as a potential buyer, but has yet to purchase.
Solution/OfferingsSince some of you sell products, while others sell services, I’ll use solutions/offerings interchangeably as replacement terms instead of saying “products and services” or “products or services”.
Strategy/PlanHigh-level path to achieving your end goal. Includes everything you’ll put into place (assets), how you’ll structure the organization, campaigns you’ll run, channels you’ll use, activities you’ll do, etc.
ProcessSpecific workflows, actions, or funnels. Processes are like a sequence of events or steps you take. Your strategy/plan is made up of multiple independent or interrelated processes.
Methods/MethodologyCultivated through training, they help improve efficiency/skills. Methodologies are your frameworks, they inform HOW you sell/your selling style: SPIN, Challenger Sales, etc. 
To understand how Strategy, Process, and Methodology are different yet related, here’s an example: To clean 500 dishes, you could employ dishwashers or ship them to a commercial cleaning facility (strategy). They can be cleaned by hand (method): Rinse, Scrub with soap, Rinse, Dry on the rack (process), and/or by dishwasher (method): Load, Insert dishwashing liquid/tablet, Run (process).
TechniquesSpecific ways to accomplish something. E.g. closing techniques or overcoming objections. Techniques are like different tools that help you get the job done.
Value(s)The perceived benefit(s) of your solution. Not to be confused with the “price” of your offerings. 
ValuesIf I’m using the plural term (and I’ll try to be clear when I do), I’m usually referring to the underlying personal or organizational values that define our decision-making process (e.g. integrity, freedom, authenticity, etc.).

Common acronyms:

ACDCAwareness, Consideration, Decision, Close framework by HubSpot: For describing the stages of the customer journey.
AIArtificial Intelligence.
AKA/a.k.a.Also known as.
BANTBudget, Authority, Need, Timeline. A framework for qualifying prospects.
B2BBusiness-to-Business. Businesses that sell directly to other businesses.
B2CBusiness-to-Consumer. Businesses that sell directly to general consumers.
B2B2CBusiness-to-Business-to-Consumer. Businesses that sell indirectly to consumers through another business. E.g. selling a product through a distributor or retailer.
CRMCustomer Relationship Management. A tool (usually software these days) to help you keep track of and manage the relationships between all your prospects and customers.
CTACall to Action. The specific action you’d like your prospect to take and your invitation for them to do so. E.g. “Download the template” or “Book a consultation”.
FAQFrequently Asked Questions.
HRHuman Resource. The division of business responsible for all things related to employees.
KPIKey Performance Indicator. Metrics that track against an organization’s and/or individual’s performance goals.
ROIReturn on investment. What do prospects get in exchange for their time/money invested into your solution? Return should exceed Investment for them to feel it’s worth their while.
SaaSSoftware as a Service.
SDRSales Development Representative/Salesperson.
SEOSearch Engine Optimization.
SQLSales Qualified Lead
MQLMarketing Qualified Lead
MOUMemorandum of Understanding. A non-legally binding agreement that precedes a formal contract.
UBPUsage-based Pricing
WoMWord of Mouth.
CACCustomer Acquisition Cost / Cost of Acquiring a Customer. How much it takes to market to a prospect and convert them into a customer.
LTVLifetime Value. How much you make from them over their lifetime as your customer.