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Trial Close

As mentioned, buying signs help but aren’t definitive. For more certainty that our prospects are ready to ENGAGE, we can perform a trial close to test the waters.

Trial closing is the only time we should be asking close-ended questions in the sales process. How does it work? By asking some questions that, when answered with a YES, signal that our prospects are in the right mental state to make a purchase.

For example: 

  • Do you understand everything I just said?
  • Do you like this product?
  • Do you believe this will solve your problem?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

If the prospect is agreeing to everything, you probably have the green light to ask for the sale. It’s not about intentionally positioning statements to reduce the likelihood of them saying NO, nor should your goal be to turn every NO into a YES. NOs are as valuable as YESes

NO is associated with Protection
YES is associated with Commitment

Instead of pressuring people to say YES and commit to taking action, you can also move the interaction forward by making it comfortable for them by allowing them to say NO.

“Are you still interested in signing up?”
“Have you given up on this project?”

With the second example, prospects would be more comfortable advancing the conversation because saying YES doesn’t suggest locking themselves in, and saying NO provides them with an opportunity to explain their delay without feeling pressured to commit to anything.

Using a trial close before an actual closing statement also allows us to more naturally inquire why if we receive a NO response.


“Do you think this is the right plan for you” 
“Let’s get you set up. Are you ready to make a payment?”

With the former, inquiring about the NO will feel less pushy, as it suggests you’re trying to find the best possible fit with your prospect’s best interest at heart. With the latter, probing into it feels a little pushy, as it’s already the final step, and your curiosity here could be easily misinterpreted as self-serving.