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We shouldn’t initiate conversations with our prospects by delivering a pitch. It is only appropriate to transition to our recommendations only after we’ve developed a good understanding of our prospects. An effective way to start this transition is by acknowledging and summarizing everything we’ve learned about their needs and situations from the ASSESSMENT.

“Based on what you’ve told me…”

This reminds the prospect that you’re paying attention, provides them with an opportunity to correct any misunderstandings, and signals that the solution you’re about to share is relevant and meets their needs.

Here are some additional tips to improve your RECOMMENDATIONS:

B2B is still H2H
Even if businesses pay, people are still the ones doing the buying. Get to know your target stakeholder(s) so you can appeal and tailor your recommendations to them.

Don’t give them the fish, teach them how to fish
Especially if you are a service-based business, don’t rush into fixing and prescribing, even if it’s what your clients want from you. If they already know what to do or what they want, they can usually find their own way. You are simply a means to an end, a commodity.

Observing and addressing the symptoms of an issue is basic; prove yourself invaluable by exposing them to the underlying root causes, even those of which they may not be conscious. Prospects will truly value you when you can help them see opportunities or challenges from a new perspective, point out blind spots and incorrect assumptions, assist them in foreseeing issues they may not have predicted, or provide meaningful direction when they feel overwhelmed and disoriented.

As a consultant, I often encounter clients seeking quick fixes, urging me to step in and sell on their behalf. However, I wouldn’t have reached my current position if I had taken that approach. Instead, I guide them to see the bigger picture – identifying the roots of their cash flow issues, establishing recurring and predictable processes, or realigning their brand and target audience. This prevents them from facing a similar cash crunch that led them to seek external help in the first place

Teach, Don’t Preach
At times, you’ll engage with prospects who are unaware of their problems. Raise awareness about industry norms, and if they’re lagging, emphasize how you can assist in catching up or getting unstuck. To accomplish this effectively, ensure they are willing to acknowledge where they are, their pace, and their intended timeline during ASSESSMENT.

Show, Don’t Tell
If you have an experience that will truly wow them, sometimes the quickest way is to let them try it out. If you have a physical product, place it in their hands and allow them to try it! A demonstration (demo) of a great solution is far superior to a polished pitch. However, don’t interpret this as sales being able to take a backseat if you have a great offering. Merely handing your solution over to prospects for them to tinker with on their own doesn’t constitute an effective demonstration. Instead, pinpoint the features they care about and highlight them in a demonstration, rather than only talking about how great the solution is. If your prospects are hesitant to schedule a live demo, consider making it easier for them by offering a free trial. Enhance the experience by providing video tutorials for specific features you know they would find valuable.

Don’t underestimate the power of relationships
Invest in the long run. In business, we establish artificial boundaries: daily, weekly, quarterly, and annually, to facilitate better reporting of results. While some initiatives yield immediate results, others require more time to bear fruit. Don’t underestimate the significance of ethical and value-aligned behavior, especially in the context of building relationships. I have witnessed both firsthand and with my clients, prospects circling back years later or making significant referrals despite not converting immediately.

The sales process tends to be smoother when prospects feel a genuine connection to their solution, which can be achieved by allowing them to contribute to its development in a meaningful manner.